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| Jamarri K. Nix

Shall We?

App Design | XD | UI/UX | Paper Prototyping
Shall We? poster Shall We? app QR code
Shall We? (2022) is a mobile app concept I created to simplify planning social outings. In the app, you select and pitch general categories to your party and have them vote on what they want to do. Based on the results, you narrow down the options, get specific suggestions related to the chosen category (provided by the app), or finalize the plans with your party. I utilized polite language, reminiscent of the dialogue featured in Warner Bros.' Goofy Gophers cartoon, for the title and throughout the menus to give the app a distinct personality.

Sketches & Paper Prototypes

User flow
Paper prototype
Paper prototype v2
Paper prototype v2


Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe


Shall We? app
Shall We? app
Shall We? app
Person using Shall We? app