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| Jamarri K. Nix

Futura Presents: The Faces of Fear

Art Direction | Digital Illustration | Photoshop | Typography
Faces of Fear playing cards poster
Futura Presents: The Faces of Fear (2022) is a type specimen card deck I created based on Universal Pictures' Classic Monsters franchise. I decided to highlight Paul Renner's Futura because, like the monsters, it has stood the test of time, debuting shortly before the first entry in the franchise, Dracula, and reappearing to this day. Each suit subtheme is a different film, with the Spades being Frankenstein (1931), Hearts being Dracula (1931), Clubs being The Invisible Man (1933), and Diamonds being The Wolf Man (1941). Within the suits, the cards alternate between the background and anatomy of Futura and illustrations of characters, scenes, and related iconography.

Mood Board

Mood board

Sketches & Initial Designs

Suit symbol exploration
Visual style exploration
Initial card design Initial card design Initial card design Initial card design

Logos & Suit Symbols

Title treatment development
Suit symbol development Suit symbol development Suit symbol development

Suits, Jokers & Box

A spades 7 spades 9 spades 10 spades K spades Card back
A hearts 3 hearts 7 hearts 10 hearts K hearts Card back
A clubs 6 clubs 7 clubs 9 clubs K clubs Card back
A diamonds 7 diamonds 9 diamonds 10 diamonds K diamonds Card back
The Mummy joker
The Creature from the Black Lagoon joker
Playing card box


Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear box and playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear box and playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear box and playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear box and playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear box and playing cards
Faces of Fear playing cards
Faces of Fear playing card box